New Beginning... New Roles... New Endeavors...

Life after a scroll...

Monday, November 07, 2005

‘Black’. Is it really a bad colour?

Today was the first day of class after a week of Raya break. I decided to be the ‘Lady in Black’ and wore a black blouse and a black pair of slacks.

Out of nowhere, my class representatives said they want to step down and find someone new to replace them for the coming year. And, out of nowhere, my ‘dear’ friend shouted my name. And, out of nowhere, I got the highest vote among the 6 nominees and became the Class representative!

Well, now that it is already a fact, I am trying to overlook the heavy responsibilities that await me, and focus on the blessings that I can give and the benefits that I can gain.

When Cantonese say ‘hak’, it could either mean ‘black colour’ or ‘bad luck’. BUT, mine was purely based on my capability ler :P . This could happen on any day, even if I were the ‘Lady in Red’. Hence, it has nothing to do with ‘luck’, ya.



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