New Beginning... New Roles... New Endeavors...

Life after a scroll...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

No One Knows...

The sound of my sms woke me up from my sleep today. It wrote, “Our friend, Dr X, passed away in a motor vehicle accident. Please pray for him and forward this message.” I was shocked and stunned! I tried to recollect the memories shared with this friend and the blessings he has brought to those around him. I was very sad. I called the person who forwarded this sms to me to confirm the validity and later I forwarded it to those who are close to him.

I shared the news with a few others. Their first reaction was “Aiyoo, so pitiful. He is a doctor.. He’s still so young..”

I thought… Is the life of a doctor worth more than a person who has less or no contribution to the society? What if he’s already 50 years old, will the sadness that strikes be less?

I guess this is normal human thinking. Only God can view life equally the same. Even the life of the criminal who died with Jesus was precious in His eyes.


  • At 4:36 PM, Blogger Sabrina Tan said…


    hows it going??
    got a blog eh?? haha

    anyway just dropping to say Hi.
    I'm fine btw, have moved to a new city.. new job.. dah di dah...

    Well take care and keep in touch!

    WEi Seen


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